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Painted Lady

Painted Lady
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Old Fashioned Sweet Pea - Painted Lady. Prior to the introduction of Spencer varieties at the turn of the 19th Century, these were the most popular types grown. All varieties are extremely prolific at producing flowers, which are very heavily scented.
SKU SKU17655
Latin Name Lathyrus odoratus
Colours Cherry Red and White Bi-Colour
Pruning Flowers to be cut regulary
Aspect Sunny Position
Height 6 - 8ft (2 - 2.5m)
Planting Sow Oct-Mar Plant Mar-Apr
Flowering June-September
Hardiness Hardy
Soil Type Lime ph level 6.5 or over
Species latifolius vernus
Also Suitable For Containers Yes
Award Of Garden Merit No
Double Flowered Yes
Fragrance Strength High
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